An 8 Week course with the hosts of the Weird Studies Podcast
Phil Ford and J.F. Martel
Starts Tuesday, October 25 @ 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET
“Only wonder grasps anything.”
— Gregory of Nyssa
Clearly, the world is getting weirder. A bizarre excrescence of celebrity culture becomes president; the world shuts down for a virus; an island is swallowed by rising seas; some formerly unsimulated aspect of reality is taken over by a simulacrum when no-one is looking. Whenever such things happen, we find ourselves thinking, “I never thought we’d be here, but here we are. So now what.” For good reason, the phrase “global weirding” has caught on of late: it suggests that as ecologies and environments undergo cataclysmic change, our lives are increasingly irradiated by strangeness.
But “weirding” also can have another implication, by analogy with the perceptual strategy of “queering.” To queer a Busby Berkeley musical is to see its glorification of monogamous heterosexuality — “normal love,” in Jack Smith’s words — as an artifact at once alien and intimate. To weird is to do something similar, to see and seek out the shadows cast by things in normal life. Weirding means finding in ordinary things the most outlandish possibilities, the most obscure connections, the most bizarre coincidences. Conversely, it can mean seeking out the strange (mysticism, occult magic, paranormal phenomena, avant-garde art) and finding there questions that commend themselves to the attention of serious thinkers. Weirding is what Phil Ford and J.F. Martel do in the Weird Studies Podcast, and it is what they propose to do in this course.
A Survival Guide
The hosts of Weird Studies envision this 8-week series of lectures and discussions as a survival course for the Weird Age. If cataclysmic changes make for high strangeness, then we all must learn to live within that strangeness, one way or another. Weirding is intended as a course in radical hermeneutics, a guide to wrestling with strangeness, whether manifested in an artwork, dream, meditation, magical working or synchronicity.
The course does not pretend to dispense mystic gnosis or tell people how to live their lives, but only to help participants make themselves more pliable in the face of mystery. It is said that drunk people can sometimes survive terrible accidents because they are relaxed enough to go with the violent motion of a crashing car. If Weirding helps cushion the shocks we all continue to encounter in an age of global weirding—if it can induce in us the curiosity and open-mindedness needed to flow with things like UFO experiencer accounts or, even better, with UFO experiences—then J.F. and Phil will have done what they set out to do.
Class Outline
The Trash Stratum, the Zone, the Real, Diviner’s Time: to regular listeners of the Weird Studies podcast, the syllabus for Weirding will read like the track listing of a hypothetical Greatest Hits album. The course is built around eight major themes of Phil and J.F.’s conversation, eight Big Ideas to which they find themselves returning again and again. The goal is twofold: first, to further develop concepts that could only be sketched out on the podcast, and second, to ground each of those concepts in experience, suggesting ways of applying them in our lives.
Week 1 — The Trash Stratum
Week 2 — The Zone
Week 3 — I and Thou
Week 4 — Dreams
Week 5 — Diviner’s Time
Week 6 — Real Magic
Week 7 — On Practice
Week 8 — Hyperstition
Every week, one of the hosts will give a lecture while the other acts as his “wingman.” Then, at an “Office Hours” session taking place two days after each lecture, students will be invited to engage in a Zoom discussion with the hosts on the week’s topic. All lectures and discussions will all recorded and made available in video and audio format, allowing students whose locations or schedules doesn’t allow for live attendance to take the course on their own time.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
deepen their reflection on ideas, symbols, and “probes” that are key to the Weird Studies project
acquire tools and techniques for orienting themselves in the Weird Age
have the opportunity to share their experience and thoughts with Phil, J.F., and the other students on the online platform and during Office Hours
discover new texts and works of art by engaging with the assigned readings, films, and musical works
contribute to J.F. and Phil’s book project for Strange Attractor Press by reading and discussing passages of the work in the progress (willing students will see their names in the acknowledgements section of the book)
join a growing community of thinkers and seekers centered on Weird Studies and Nura Learning
Registration: $220
(Student/hardship registrations available. Email info@nuralearning.com to inquire).
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